Text Box: From May 31-June 4 Mike taught a concentrated course called “Old Testament for New Testament Believers” as part of a Bible Institute program in Fetesti, Romania. 
	 He was able to assist missionary Bill Phillips in his ministry.  Many students in this part of the world, especially, have had limited exposure to teaching about the Old Testament.  This was the first OT course taught in this Institute.
	There were about 20 eager students who listened intently about how the Old Testament can relate to their lives.   There were times that the students were so interested Text Box: that they missed their break period in order to ask questions and listen for the answers.
	Mike also had the opportunity to visit a couple of churches n Romania, close to the Black Sea.  	
	The time spent Text Box: Volume 6 Issue 3
Text Box: Romanian Students very Interested
Text Box: Camp Work and Contacts Made in Latvia/Lithuania
Text Box: Mike spent the first 16 days in August on a trip to Latvia/Lithuania (consult the map).  During this time he helped in a camp near Riga, Latvia.  He was the teacher of a group of 12 young people.  He was able to work side by side with several of his previous students so that was quite encouraging. 
	 He was able to Text Box: visit with Sergei and Ilona, the young couple featured on our web page back in June.  He had hoped to have opportunities to teach in a Bible Institute in Riga later this year, but because of ecumenical compromise, he realized after seeing the situation, that he could not participate. 
	Mike then went to Lithuania where he Text Box: spent some time with missionaries Eric and Cathy Chapman.  He spoke in their young church near Kaunas, Lithuania. 
	Mike was able to make many contacts for future ministry on this trip.  
	Thank you very much for your prayers and continued support..
Text Box: September 1999
Text Box: Mike Petersen family in Central Europe
Text Box: The Petersen Update
Text Box: Mission Board:
International Baptist 
2150 E. Southern Ave.
Tempe, AZ 85282

Home Church:
Temple Baptist Church
37253 Clinton Ave.
Dade City, FL 33525

Polish address:
Ul. Wiazowska 75
05-420 Jozefow k/Otwocka

Web Site:


We need an additional  $300/ month support in order to meet our budget. Please pray that the Lord would provide.

Text Box: in Romania was very gratifying and he was very warmly received (and it wasn’t because he gave them money because he didn’t. He only gave them time/ teaching from the Bible.)
	Here are some comments from the students: 
“until now I considered the OT as not so important and its teachings as not so important for us today, but now I do not believe that.”
“I now I think that the OT has a connection with the NT and that there are things that happened in the NT which are in the OT as well; like salvation through faith”
	On his return trp he visited missionaries in Slovakia and Austria.